VAI Solutions can run in the Cloud or On-Premise

Both on-premise and cloud computing can provide your business with the IT infrastructure it needs. The model you choose will likely depend on the level of security you need in order to meet compliance standards and on the cost structure you prefer.

Cloud Deployment
A cloud-based solution utilizes cloud architecture and highly virtualized technology to host a company’s applications offsite in highly secure data centers. Reducing capital expenditures to a minimum, data is backed up regularly, and companies only need pay for the resources they use. This allows companies to pay on an as-needed basis and effectively scale up or down depending on overall usage, user requirements, and the growth of a company.

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On-Premise Deployment
In an on-premise environment, resources are deployed in-house and within an enterprise's IT infrastructure. An enterprise is responsible for maintaining the solution and all its related processes.

Server Options

There are a number of fundamental differences between an on-premises and a cloud environment. Which path is the correct one for your enterprise depends entirely on your needs and what it is you’re looking for in a solution. Here’s a look at how the two models compare.

Data center single tenancy (for compliance)
Highly secure data encryption
Customizable configuration purpose-built systems
Capacity easy to scale up and down
On-premises: X
Infrastructure requires large, regular investments
Cloud: X
Complete data visibility and software control
Built-in, automated data backups and recovery
On-premises: X
Near-zero downtime risk
On-premises: X