Joe Scioscia

Joe Scioscia

Vice President of Sales
Food Manufacturers Guidelines
Enterprise Solution Guidelines for Food Manufacturers

Food manufacturers can sometimes face obstacles in their daily operations. Having a proper ERP solution for your business means choosing software that will help you improve food safety and streamline operational efficiency, while managing your business growth. Does your Enterprise for Food solution have these 2 components?

Looking To Take Back Control Of Your Company? 3 Ways Spreadsheets Are Hurting Your Business
March 26, 2019 Business ERP Joe Scioscia

Spreadsheets are very vulnerable to human error, and incorrect calculations can have a domino effect, causing major mistakes to occur throughout a document and eventually can negatively impact your bottom line.

Can your business afford to wait on an ERP investment?
Intelligent Enterprises today recognize that investing in a new, fully integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, or upgrading an existing investment is imperative to the success and growth of the organization,, because the cost of doing nothing will hurt the entire enterprise, both short and long-term . According to Aberdeen Group, The Cost of Doing Nothing, 46% of companies with an updated ERP system are more likely to increase their performance, inventory accuracy, and customer satisfaction.
Vegetables | Food
3 Ways Technology Supports Innovation for Manufacturers in the Food and Beverage Industry
August 15, 2017 ERP Joe Scioscia
Technology has become the driving force behind the increased pace of business, with companies today facing the “keep up or be left behind” reality. The world of food is especially influenced by this continuously changing and fast-moving, technologically advanced landscape. Food and beverage companies must handle the challenges, that shape the industry and as such, they look to innovation to remain relevant and compliant. In a competitive environment with fickle regulatory conditions, food and beverage manufacturers need to rely upon technology solutions that will support them not just today, but well into the future.
Mobile Marketplace
Four Technologies to Help Retailers Survive and Thrive in the Digital Age
May 4, 2017 Retail Joe Scioscia
The use of technology has significantly changed shopping habits, as consumers today no longer need to visit a store to make their purchase; now they can use tools such as, laptops, tablets and smart phones to order everything they desire, all with a click of a button. However, as digital interactions become more common, retailers must be creative when it comes to merging the gap between in-store and online purchases. Although change can be terrifying, with this new age brings new opportunities, which every smart retailer must take advantage of in order to remain competitive.
Customer Relationship Management
Are you using your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology to its full potential?
March 15, 2017 ERP Joe Scioscia
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) refers to the practice and strategies that companies take to manage and analyze customer interactions, while improving relationships through a customer’s lifecycle. Business leaders are more likely to have integrated their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions with Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This tactic is intended to provide support to customer interactions and ultimately increase revenue. Unfortunately, some businesses fail to use CRM technology to its full potential, which can ultimately hamper customer service, reduce sales, and affect customer relationships